The coordinators of the four (4) different arms of the Pontifical Mission Societies:
Pontifical Society for the Propagation of Faith (POF), Pontifical Society of the Holy Childhood A(HCA),Pontifical Society of St Peter Apostles and Pontifical Missionary Union of Priest and Religious (PMU) met at the Resource Centre, Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, Durumi Abuja for their annual general meeting from the 24th to the 27th of January, 2023.
The opening Mass was presided over by the PMS National Director, Very Rev. Fr. Solomon Patrick Zaku on the feast of the conversion of St. Paul.
Fr Zaku encouraged the coordinators to be passionate about the mission of proclaiming Christ to all people like St. Paul. He said “there is no better day to celebrate the feast of the conversion of St. Paul than on a day like this day which marks the beginning of the meeting of PMS Coordinators” He called on the Coordinators to emulate St. Paul in their missionary activities and promote the Pontifical Mission Societies in their Dioceses.
During the opening ceremony, the Five Directors of the Catholic Secretariat gave their Good will Messages. They appreciate the work of the coordinators and encouraged them to do more in collaborating with other priests and religious in Nigeria. The Director of Social communications Very Rev. Micheal Umoh assured the coordinators that his Diocesan Directors will help in promoting the Pontifical Mission societies in their Dioceses as they will work inn close collaboration.
Rev.Fr. Joseph Nomhwange SMA, the Director of Mission and Dialogue, Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, presented a paper to the participants on the topic: 'Burning Hearts, Feet on the Move’. Reflecting on the story of the journey to Emmaus of two disciples of Jesus after his shameful death in Jerusalem, Fr NOMHWANGE said the disciples had lost hope and were leaving for Emmaus when they met Christ on the way and showed him hospitality. When they recognized Jesus, the same persons who had said it was not safe for Jesus to travel in the night went back to Jerusalem that very night to broadcast the news of their encounter with the resurrected Christ. The presenter said that as the members of the Pontifical Mission Societies make sacrifices to advance the kingdom of God on earth, they might have faced challenging situations and might be intending to quit, but when they encounter Christ, they will have the energy to storm all situations. He therefore encouraged members to have personal encounter with Christ on a regular basis, he submitted that ‘We cannot be missionaries if we have not encountered Christ.’
The Diocesan Coordinators shared their experiences, planned activities for year and discussed on how to Promote the Pontifical Mission Societies in their Diocese.
The National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies Nigeria, Fr. Solomon ZAKU appreciated all who made sacrifices to attend the meeting and urged them to work hard in appreciation of their bishops who sponsored them to attend the 2023 meeting. Participants came in their numbers from dioceses across the country. It was a spirit filled meeting.