Welcome To Pontificial Mission Societies

Since 1922, the Pontifical Mission Societies have been the official missionary arm of the Catholic Church. The Four Pontifical Mission Societies have been given the responsibility by the Pope (hence the name 'Pontifical') to support the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the work of charity and social improvement around the world. The societies promote awareness, prayer, sacrifice and fundraising to support worldwide Catholic mission.

The Pontifical Mission Societies have four

About PMS

PMS Organization Nigeria

The First Step of the organization centres in the parish. Each parish has a PMS Committee whose work is to coordinate all the PMS activities in the Parish. From there, it steps down to stations and wards where similar committees function, according to the need of each area. For the Holy Childhood, it moves into schools, giving every child the opportunity to participate in the school-based HCA.

The Second Step is the Diocesan level. Here, it is headed by a diocesan director appointed by the diocesan Bishop. The Director works with a Council and may establish committees at the Zonal or Deanery levels for more effective animation and coordination.

The Third Step is the provincial level. Each of the nine Ecclesiastical Provinces i

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News & Events


Bishop Oyejola to the PMS Diocesan Directors.

The Pontifical Mission Societies (Missio Nigeria) Diocesan Directors meet for their annual Nati

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